Nagoya University

Japanese site


"Inter-University Exchange" Project (CAMPUS Asia Program)

Training human resources for the development of an epistemic community in law and political science to promote the formation of "jus commune (common law)" in East Asia

This project is aimed at developing, on the basis of an understanding of the Western "global standards of law," human resources for an epistemic community in law and political science that can take an active role in discussions with a view toward forming a jus commune (common law) in East Asia.

In this project, Nagoya University collaborates with partner universities in China and Korea through exchange programs for undergraduate and graduate students based on reciprocal conferment of academic credits, as well as other forms of exchange of quality-assured research and education. The participating universities thus exchange legal information in East Asia, together working toward forming theories on Asian law and assistance for legal infrastructural development, as well as establishing common standards for jurist training and law school education.

Project objectives and philosophy

This page describes the objectives and philosophy of the project, as well as human resources envisaged in the project. Information on the CAMPUS Asia Program is also provided.


The characteristics of the education programs and professional training programs are outlined here.
The related curricula are also explained.

Practical information for prospective participants

This page provides practical information for students interested in participating in the education programs. Participants are selected from students of the Graduate School of Law and School of Law.


Project-related achievements are reported here.



Nagoya University

Nagoya University Graduate School of Law Campus Asia

Asian Legal Exchange Plaza
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, 464-8601, Japan
TEL/FAX +81-52-789-5221

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